
As Generative Models Improve, We Must Adapt Our Prompts

With Eaman Jahani, Joe Zhang, Hong-Yi TuYe, Mohammed Alsobay, Christos Nicolaides, Siddharth Suri, and David Holtz. _Under Review_.

Automated Social Science: Language Models as Scientist and Subjects

With Kehang Zhu and John J. Horton. _The Quarterly Journal of Economics - Reject and Resubmit_.

Effect Size Magnification. No Variable is as Important as the One You’re Thinking About—While You’re Thinking About It

With Linnea Gandhi and Angela L. Duckworth. _Current Directions in Psychological Science - 2024_.

Large Language Models as Simulated Economic Agents: What we can learn from Homo Silicus

With John J. Horton and Apostolos Filippas. _The Review of Economics and Statistics - Revise and Resubmit_.